Примеры сетевых топологий



  1. ETSI TR101 177 V1.1.1, Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); Requirements and architectures for broadband fixed radio access networks (HIPERACCESS).
  2. ETSI TR101 853 V1.1.1 (2000-10), Rules for Coexistence of P-P and P-MP systems using different access methods in the same frequency band.
  3. ITU-R Recommendation F.746-1, Radio frequency channel arrangements for fixed services in the range 22.0 GHz to 29.5 GHz.
  4. ITU-R Recommendation F.758-2, Considerations in the development of criteria for sharing between the terrestrial fixed service and other services.
  5. ITU-R Recommendation F.1191, Bandwidths and unwanted emissions of digital radio relay systems..
  6. ITU-R Recommendation F.1249-1, Maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power of transmitting stations in the fixed service operating in the frequency band GHz shared with the intersatellite service.
  7. ITU-R Recommendation F.1399, Vocabulary of terms for wireless access.
  8. ITU-R Recommendation P.452, Prediction procedure for the evaluation of microwave interference between stations on the surface of the Earth at frequencies above about 0.7 GHz..
  9. ITU-R Recommendation P.676-4, Attenuation by atmospheric gases.
  10. ITU-R Recommendation P.838, Specific attenuation model for rain for use in prediction methods.
  11. ITU-R Recommendation P.840-3, Attenuation due to clouds and fog.
  12. ITU-R Recommendation P.1410, Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of terrestrial broadband millimetric radio access systems.
  13. ETSI EN 301021 v1.4.1 (2001/03) Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-multipoint equipment; Time division Multiple access (TDMA); Point-to-Multipoint digital radio systems bands in the range 3 GHz to 11 GHz.
  14. Title 47, part 15, http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/Documents/ cfr, Federal Communications Commission.
  15. Falconer, D. and Ariyavisitakul, S. L., Frequency Domain Equalization for 2.11 GHz Fixed Broadband Wireless systems,. Tutorial, presented during Session #11 of IEEE 802.16 in Ottawa, Canada, Jan. 22, 2001.

  16. Содержание раздела